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To level the playing field, they leveled the school: The segregation case that brought school integration to the "tolerant" North East in 1961.

In honor of Black History Month, Theatre West is proud to present the full 74-minute Directors Cut of Leveling Lincoln, helmed by Arden Teresa Lewis. Selected for over a dozen film festivals in Canada, England, and the United States, this Civil Rights documentary has won best in its category in 9 of them. The New York Vision Award in the Harlem International Film Festival, and Best Documentary in the Rhode Island Black Film Festival, the Lady Filmmakers Festival, and the Yonkers YoFi Festival, among others. Our team has been proud to be part of New Rochelle, New York's 2022 Juneteenth festival celebrations as well as several University, High School, Black History Month, and Civil Rights History curriculum and community group events. We have screened for DEI corporate staff training, resulting in positive and open discussions that led to growth.

The award-winning documentary Leveling Lincoln is part of the Race, Equity, and Inclusion collection of NETA, the National Education and Telecommunications Association, with the shortened 58-minute version. They present it for public television programming and on the PBS App. The concise, 58-minute version is available for licensing to colleges, universities, and libraries, through the Films Media Group, an Infobase Learning Company. See our website for more information www.levelinglincoln.com


Box Office is open one hour prior to curtain time.


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