• Herald In Promo

Join us for an immersive experience featuring Downtown Los Angeles’ Proper Hotel happening on Saturday, May 18, 2024.

Herald In, Examine Throughout was born from the ingenious mind of HDD Artistic Director, Heidi Duckler. HDD will shut down Broadway Street for a site-specific activation on the street and inside the historical Proper Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles, where audience members will be immersed in six unique performances, beginning with roller skating dancers gliding in ball gowns, building to a grandeur, culminating performance. Audiences will also have the privilege to experience special musical selections of unconventional percussion instruments, and view life-size cutout installations by visual artist Jazmín Urrea.

The Herald Examiner Building, built in 1913, has a complex and robust history that reflects the rise, fall, and current redevelopment of Downtown Los Angeles. Utilizing the building’s past, present and future as a source of creativity, “Herald In and Examine Throughout” will promote civic engagement across generations and animate stories about Downtown Los Angeles in interesting, compelling ways that bring attention to the incredible talent in Los Angeles.

Herald In, Examine Throughout is a trans-disciplinary, nationally funded performance presented by Heidi Duckler Dance that will immerse 200 people surrounding the historic Herald Examiner Building in a milestone performance of dance, music, and multimedia on Saturday, May 18, 2024. This project by Heidi Duckler Dance in collaboration with Keith Thompson from Arizona State University’s School of Music, Dance and Theatre illuminates the divide between wealth and poverty in Downtown Los Angeles and tells the story of the city’s evolution. With Jesse Cox’s original score and live music and Heidi Duckler’s place making choreography, the collaborative performances will traverse ecologies and build bridges of empathy between diverse communities coexisting downtown.


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